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Giant Honey Bees: The Buzz on Apis dorsata's Incredible Pollination and Honey-Making Abilities

Kadambari Pathania

Updated: May 6, 2023

Apis dorsata, commonly known as the Giant Honey Bee, is a species of bee known for its large size, social structure, and important role in pollination and honey production. In this article, we will explore the physical features, habitat, social structure, pollination, and honey production about Apis dorsata.

Kingdom- Animalia

Phylum- Arthropoda

Class- Insecta

Order- Hymenoptera

Family- Apidae

Genus- Apis

Species- dorsata

Physical Features

Apis dorsata is a large bee, measuring about 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters in length. It has a dark brown or black color with a yellow or orange band around its abdomen. The wings of Apis dorsata are translucent and extend beyond its body, giving it a distinctive appearance. Unlike other bee species, Apis dorsata builds its nests in exposed locations, such as tree branches or cliff faces, which makes it vulnerable to predators.

Like other bees, the Giant Honey Bee has a stinger it can use to defend itself and its colony. The sting has a hook on the end that can stay in the skin and continue to release poison. This can cause pain, swelling, and an allergic reaction in some people. However, the sting of the Giant Honey Bee isn't as strong as some other bee species.

Usually, the Giant Honey Bee is not aggressive and only stings if it feels threatened or its nest is disturbed. But if you accidentally bother their home, they might swarm and attack, which can be dangerous.

Apis dorsata with its sting removed
Apis dorsata with its sting removed

Habitat and Distribution

Apis dorsata is found in South and Southeast Asia, including India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Indonesia. It inhabits tropical and subtropical forests, where it feeds on the nectar and pollen of a variety of plants, including mango, jackfruit, and eucalyptus.

Apis dorsata distribution map
Apis dorsata distribution map © Sémhur / Wikimedia Commons

Social Structure

The social structure of Apis dorsata differs from other bee species, as it has a fission-fusion society, which means that its colonies are not fixed and can split into smaller groups or merge with other colonies. Apis dorsata colonies can have up to 200 members, with one queen bee and many worker bees. The queen bee is responsible for laying eggs, while the worker bees gather food, build and maintain the nest, and protect the colony from predators.


Life Cycle

The life cycle of Apis dorsata undergoes holometamorphosis. It begins when the queen bee lays eggs in wax cells in the nest. The eggs hatch into larvae, which are fed with a mixture of pollen and honey by the worker bees. After about six days, the larvae spin cocoons around themselves and develop into pupae. The pupae undergo and emerge as adult bees after about three weeks. The newly emerged bees take on different roles depending on their age and sex. The queen bee lives for about three to four years, while the worker bees have a lifespan of about six weeks.

Apis dosata life cycle/ metamorphosis
Life Cycle

Honey Production

Apis dorsata is an important pollinator of many plant species, including crops such as mango, guava, and lychee. It collects nectar and pollen from flowers and spreads pollen as it moves from flower to flower. This process helps plants to reproduce and maintain biodiversity.

Apis dorsata produces honey by collecting nectar from flowers and regurgitating it into wax cells in the nest. The bees then fan their wings to dehydrate the nectar and transform it into honey. Honey production is an important source of income for beekeepers, who collect honey from the nest using traditional or modern methods.



Apis dorsata is a fascinating species of bee that plays a crucial role in pollination and honey production. Its unique physical features, habitat, social structure, and challenges faced by beekeepers make it a subject of great interest for researchers and enthusiasts alike. As we continue to rely on bees for our food supply, it is important to support conservation efforts to protect Apis dorsata and other bee species from habitat loss, climate change, and other threats. By taking action to protect bees, we can help to ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and for the natural world.



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